Occupational health report

Occupational health report

TxOH provide high quality occupational health reports to employers and employees within Liverpool and Manchester. Occupational health reports can be used to highlight an employee's capability to withstand the demands of their own occupation.

The experienced therapists at TxOH consider the holistic needs of the individual and assess their physical, psychological and emotional status and their ability to withstand occupational demands. The information highlighted in a TxOH occupational health report is presented in a clear, concise and unambiguous format. An occupational health report can include information on the nature of illness or injury, the treatment being undertaken or recommended and if there are any adjustments that can be made to improve performance at work.

Case study

Occupational health report

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1. Description

A employee of a call centre based in Chorley was physically assaulted on his journey home from work. The employee recovered from all physical injuries quickly but now suffers from severe anxiety and stress. The employee was struggling to return to his full time employment at the call centre when the manager requested an occupational health assessment was completed.

2. The intervention

A occupational health report was completed by a NMC registered occupational health nurse with input from a HCPC registered psychologist. The occupational health report highlighted the individuals need for psychological input and assistance returning to full time employment. As recommended within the report the individual attended several counselling sessions and a mental health workshop. The individual then progressed through a gradual return to work programme.

3. The results

The occupational health report helped produce a programme to allow the individual to return to full time employment and resumed his occupational responsibilities within 3 months from the initial assault. The individual reports a significant reduction in stress and anxiety levels following psychology input and reports no long standing mental health problems.

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We provide occupational health services throughout Manchester and Liverpool

We work with businesses and organisations that are looking to maximise employee wellbeing and happiness at work.